Research Fieldwork Services

When you are looking to conduct qualitative or quantitative market research in Bangladesh and you need a partner who can execute your plan and do it exceptionally well, you want a company to provide you responsive market research services from dedicated fieldwork specialists.

A company that is

  • Clear about your objective of the study
  • Uncompromising to attain quality data understanding your quality concern
  • At competitive cost

You need a market research partner who can help with even the most complex of projects, who knows the industry inside and out, like you do. Whatever your objectives call for, we have the tools and the experience to help you see them through.

PRI’s dynamic and diverse team can enable you to attain quality data understanding your requirements and survey plan as similar to you would have done it for yourself.


Focus group discussion (Offline/Online)

Focus group discussion (Offline/Online)

In depth Interview (Offline/Online)

In depth Interview (Offline/Online)

Ethnographic study (Offline/Online)

Ethnographic study (Offline/Online)

Observations (Offline/Online)

Observations (Offline/Online)

Key Informant Interview (Offline/Online)

Key Informant Interview (Offline/Online)

Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping

Case study, etc.

Case study, etc.


Product test, etc.

Product test, etc.

SMS interview

SMS interview

Telephonic Interview

Telephonic Interview

Web interview

Web interview

Face to Face interview

Face to Face interview

Central Location Tests

Central Location Tests

Corporate interviews

Corporate interviews