Project Support Services

Ad-hoc need for your studies might be difficult to arrange sometimes due to the magnitude of the task and availability of vendors to provide such services. Avail the smallest of your requirement in short notice, with minimal complexities to smoothly run your study and not be hindered due to its less significant demand.

Be it profiling of respondent or translating your questionnaires or moderation or developing a report, PRI has panel of expert in each category for you to choose from even for the tiniest part of your study.

Questionnaire development

Questionnaire development

Digital data collection tools development

Digital data collection tools development

Documents translations

Documents translations

Transcription (Need basis)

Transcription (Need basis)





Simultaneous Translations/Interpretations

Simultaneous Translations/Interpretations

Facility/Venue arrangement

Facility/Venue arrangement

Quality check

Quality check

Training & Supervision

Training & Supervision

Preliminary market assessment

Preliminary market assessment

Pilot/Testing, Etc.

Pilot/Testing, Etc.